Superstar Actor

( Reach Level 10 in the Film Career Track - Acting Branch )

Film Storage Plummet
Join the profession film (filming) in Film Storage Plummet . If you're in Bridgeport you can easily find it, but in other cities you'll have to put it from the library.

If your sim is going to work, make sure that this with good humor, you can also begin to interact with your coworkers , know your head ,and sees obtaining some star of celebrity.

Begin as Background Extra , with a minimum salary and when upgrading from level 5 to 6 ,you can choose between two branches: actor or director, in this case you will choose the first .

In the level 9 you get the prize in the Sims and 10 will give you a trailer of celebrities.

Increases your star of celebrity and your skill of charisma , soon you will be a superstar actor.


  • Please have a good relationship with your work colleagues and with your head.
  • If you meet all the requirements, be promoted quickly.
  • When be promoted , you will receive extra money.
  • If you want to add a new installation go to : Edit City - Solar.
  • Known celebrities to earn stars .
  • Especially for this profession develops the skill of charisma.
  • Increase your level of charisma practicing in a mirror or interacting with other Sims,you can also take classes in the town hall.
  • To reach level 10 of the profession you must master the skill of charisma.

By 4DimensionGameplay