Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder

(Reach level 9 in the Science career track)

Scientific installation
Join the science career in scientific laboratories in your city, you can also use the computer or newspaper to find employment.

Begins as a subject of experiments, to move quickly increases your ability to gardening and go to work with good humor.

At level 3 of the race develops the ability of hands to climb to level 4.

From level 6 your sim must develop the ability of Fisheries.

In Level 7 you'll have to master the skill of Gardening.
At level 9 you'll have to master the skill of Handyman.

If you want to reach the top of the career you just need to have dominated the gardening and handyman skills, increase your fishing skill to level 8 so you can become a mad scientist.

Master the skills of gardening and handyman, increase your fishing skill level 7 and soon you will be a biomechanical scientist / creator creature-robot hybrids.


  • If you get to level 10 your Sim can perform experiments on any object within your site.
  • Some features in favor of this race are Genius, Perfectionist, bookworm, Pescador.
  • Master the skills of gardening and handyman especially for this race.
  • For this race will not be necessary to build relationships.

By 4DimensionGameplay