Mystic Healer

(Cure 12 Different Transformed Sims Using Sunlight Charm or Potent Cure Elixir)

Create a sorcerer sim or turn it bottled drinking the elixir of witchcraft.

If you are already a witch / a can be developing new skills Warlock, you can buy a wand according to the level of your sim: beginner, intermediate, expert.

You can practice the skill conjuring an apple or playing with magic, when advances in the ability to learn curses, spells and rituals, you can update objects.

At level 4 you will learn the curse of saponification and the enchantment of love.

When you reach level 8 you can use the spell or spell of sunshine and cure the cursed sims: Zombies, toads, tragic clown.

Another way to cure curses sims, is getting a powerful healing elixir, you can buy in the store elixirs or make your own elixir in a position of alchemy, at level 2 can produce the healing elixir, cure any temporary curse, at level 7 will create a powerful healing elixir, you can permanently cure any curse.

12 sims cure curses soon be a mystic healer.


  • Warlocks are faster when they develop the ability to alchemy.
  • Curses can be permanent or temporary.
  • Sims with sapificación curse, have a head toad.
  • The sims are rotting zombies skin and walk too slow.
  • You can convert a SIM in a tragic clown with elixir the origin of the tragic clown.
  • You can buy recipes in store elixirs in your city.
  • It develops competence in a place of alchemy.

By 4DimensionGameplay